What to crochet rugs from

All my products are crocheted from polyester cord.


Most of them are made from cord with a core, with a diameter of 5mm.


Why this particular cord?


Firstly, it's hypoallergenic, making it suitable for everyone.


Secondly, it's practical, easy to wash, and dries quickly.


Thirdly, it doesn't fade in the sun.


Fourthly, it holds its shape excellently.


Fifthly, it doesn't shed, allowing for combinations of any colors, even contrasting ones.


Sixthly, this cord comes in a wide range of colors, allowing you to match it to any interior.


Seventhly, it's tactually pleasant.


Eighthly, it's very durable, it definitely won't tear.


Ninthly, it's relatively lightweight.


Tenthly, it's comparatively inexpensive, which is important!


I crochet from the cord that I buy here:




I often get asked if it's possible to use a 4mm cord without a core instead of the 5mm cord with a core mentioned in the tutorial.


There's a significant price difference between them, almost twice as much, with just a 1mm difference in thickness, which prompts crafters to opt for the cord without a core.


BUT the crucial difference here is not in thickness but in the absence of the core! It's the core within the cord that provides density.


When there's no core, the cord stretches out and becomes even thinner. So, in fact, the item turns out to be up to 30% smaller. However, the cord usage is almost the same, as are the labor costs. Plus, the item turns out to be thinner. And if you're crocheting a delicate lacy rug, then from a 3-4mm cord without a core, it won't exactly be a rug, more like a throw.


When can you use cord without a core? If the design of the item is multi-layered, textured, or voluminous, for example, like in a Peacock rug. Or if you're crocheting jacquard. In such cases, you'll achieve the necessary thickness for the rug even with a 3-4mm cord without a core.