Hello there, I'm Tatiana Ryazanova, also known as Lacemats. Let me joyfully spill the beans about my journey.
Back in 2015, I decided to switch things up: I ditched the vino (yes, that's the pivotal moment, believe it or not 😉) and dove headfirst into crocheting rugs out of polyester cord.
For five years, I've been custom-crafting rugs and shipping them worldwide. Meanwhile, I've been shooting detailed tutorial videos.
Nowadays, my main gig revolves around creating crocheting instructions for rugs. Thousands of these tutorials have birthed creations scattered across the globe.
My tutorials attract newbie crocheters because they're structured and straightforward. I dissect tricky elements while keeping the info crisp, a hit with seasoned pros too.
My mission? Sharing the rug-making wisdom, lending a helping hand to fellow craft enthusiasts who share my passion.